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  • Writer's pictureTil Further Notice

Behind The Lens: "Untethered"

Fisherman's Village at Boca Chica / Palacious, Tx

There are days in full time RV life when that skeptic inside my head demands to be heard. “Why are you doing this?” it shouts before ranting on with the following argument. “Why does simplifying your life take so much work? I mean look at you man! You’ve been wearing the same shirt for three days and you don’t smell so good. Not because you’ve been immersed in adventure but because you’re up to your eyeballs in RV maintenance issues. And the effort that it takes to plan out where you are going, how long you will stay and that whole making reservations a year in advance thing, well that’s just plain crazy. Not exactly living in the moment now are you? And if you miss your Colorado Family so much why don’t you just go home and pave your golden years with routines and familiarity? It would be so much easier!

At times the skeptic sounds like the voice of reason and I consider heeding its advice. But then along comes a spark that ignites a renewed determination to stay the course, at least ’til further notice. This simple spontaneous iPhone shot captured a moment in time in which I knew that everything has happened exactly as it should. It was mid-December in Palacious, Texas and winter clouds were gathering over the Gulf. Notice how the landscape is in balance and the pier leads your eye to the boundless horizon? That’s how it felt to be neighbors with old friends at least for a few nights, to be able to sit around a fire and catch up on decades gone by. That’s how it felt to be finally doing things that have been on a bucket list for a very long time. That’s how it felt to move forward into the unknown, visiting new places and meeting new people.

I invite you to see all of my recent work in our new Image Gallery (click the tab above). I’m honored every time someone stops in just to look and to see and to hopefully be inspired. If you see any image you would like to use for your website, walls or as a gift I’ll send you a high resolution digital download for just a few bucks to use as you wish. I also work with buyers and art consultants to create custom and affordable wall art using my images. If you have a custom project in mind please contact me so we can brainstorm together.


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