This surreal image grows on me every time I look at it and it is particularly fun to look at in contrast to the hot summer days that we are experiencing in Washington. It brings back the raw heart pounding excitement that the Oregon coast can stir up on a winter’s day. It’s not often you can shoot directly into the sun and get away with it without glare but it worked here because of the thick atmosphere. This shot required a bit of fancy footwork to avoid getting wet as the foam danced around me. The real trick was to snap the shutter quickly before the feet of my tripod sank into the the sand as the waves came in. For this shot I ended up succeeding with the following settings. 70 mm, ISO 400, f 3.5 at 1/1600 of a second.
I invite you to see all of my recent work in our new Image Gallery (click the tab above). I’m honored every time someone stops in just to look and to see and to hopefully be inspired. If you see any image you would like to use for your website, walls or as a gift I’ll send you a high resolution digital download for just a few bucks to use as you wish. I also work with buyers and art consultants to create custom and affordable wall art using my images. If you have a custom project in mind please contact me so we can brainstorm together.