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  • Writer's pictureTil Further Notice

Wishing you all a Happy Boxing Day!

Here at our new home base the busy holiday season is unwinding like a spinning top. In less than a week it will make its final wobble before crashing head on into the new year of 2024.  Santa is surely home by now! He is likely settling in for a long winter nap while the rest begin to wonder where we put the boxes that will keep the tree, lights and ornaments safe for the coming eleven months. Apparently the day after Christmas was long ago dubbed "Boxing Day" for reasons much more meaningful than housekeeping. The initial idea behind Boxing Day was to deliver gifts to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Somehow that benevolent tradition has morphed into lines at the store return counters and lightning post Christmas Sales. Fortunately for us who forgot what today is all about the Spirit of Boxing Day can be rekindled any day of the year!


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